Category: Nature

Quindío, Colombia

In 2018, I had the privilege of visiting the beautiful country of Colombia. One of the regions I spent time in was Quindío (keen-DEE-yo), a

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Have you ever wondered to yourself what the Caribbean islands were like before so many giant hotels and cruise ships came along? Well, it turns

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Rwanda travel guide

Rwanda is a tiny, landlocked country in east central Africa, bordering Kenya, Tanzania, Burundi and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Sadly, in recent times

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North Sulawesi

I settled upon this destination guide in a rather unusual manner. I zoomed in on southeast Asia, looking for places that were not so familiar

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North Carolina mountains

The densely populated eastern United States isn’t exactly known for its isolated places, but the mountains of western North Carolina are one of the exceptions.

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The Marquesas

Off the wind on this heading lie the Marquesas We got 80 feet of the waterline nicely making way Perhaps you know these lyrics from

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Image by Robert Nathan Garlington from Pixabay

Vancouver Island

Everybody knows Vancouver, British Columbia (BC), the beautiful coastal city in western Canada. But did you know that BC’s capital isn’t Vancouver, but Victoria, on

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Crater Lake, Oregon

Clear, cold, clean, and…cobalt blue. The four C’s, in this case used to describe the beauty of Crater Lake. Crater Lake is located in southwest

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