Wanderlusters, have your say!

Let’s do something a bit different, shall we? 😉 How about a fun little readers’ vote?

Where should I visit in 2025? You decide!

I’m doing something I’ve never done before: allow my readers to choose my travel destination! 😲 Below is a list of 12 mostly off-beat destinations (to keep it interesting!) which are new to both me and my travel partner. You may vote on only one occasion, but you can choose up to three places. I’ll visit the winning destination between April 2025 – March 2026, create a visitor’s guide and report on local sustainability initiatives/innovations. If you’ve been thinking about visiting any of these places, that’s a reason to vote for it!


One caveat: things can be unpredictable sometimes, so if the winning destination becomes unsafe (for whatever reason) I may decide to visit the runner-up destination instead. I’m adventurous but not crazy, ya know?


Poll ends at 11:59 PM (Germany time) on Friday, May 31st! Check back after it closes to see which destination won! Or, sign up for my newsletter (at the bottom of this page) to be emailed the results when voting ends!


Privacy Notice: in order to prevent repetitive voting, if you choose to take part your IP address will be stored for the purposes of this poll.

The poll has expired!

Think I left out an interesting possibility? Leave a comment below to let me know!

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